Mutual consideration and agreed upon standards of living are essential to residence life. The well being of the residence community rests on balancing the needs of individual students and the needs of the larger residence population. UBC is committed to providing a residence environment that is:
- Safe and secure.
- Supports academic pursuits.
- Supports personal growth.
Residence Standards need support from everyone. This means cooperating with residence staff who investigate violations, participate in standards investigations when necessary, and zero tolerance for behaviour that is violent or dangerous.
Important: Excessive drinking is not an acceptable excuse for violating Residence Standards.
Your Residence Contract
Your Residence Contract is the agreement you sign before accepting your room in residence. It contains important information about the rights and responsibilities of living in the residence community. Residence Standards (section 3) are an important part of your contract.
If at any time you believe a member of the residence community has acted inappropriately, or in violation of your Residence Contract, please bring your concerns to the attention of your Residence Life Manager.
Residence Standards — Guiding Principles
- Every person can expect consideration and respect for their feelings and needs and in return has the responsibility to show respect for others.
- Every person can expect to live in an environment where possessions and space are shown respect.
Standards Violations
Residents who violate Residence Standards can expect disciplinary action, most often assigned by the Residence Life Manager.
Standards Investigations
- The Residence Advisor completes an initial incident report and meets with the student (s) to discuss the report.
- If the facts are disputed or not reasonably clear, the student (s) must provide their own written account of the incident to the Residence Life Manager within 24 hours.
- The Residence Life Manager reviews the documentation, discusses the incident with those involved, and renders a written decision.
- Residents found in violation of Residence Standards may receive a warning or standards points.
- Residents who dispute the facts or deny responsibility may file submit an appeal to the Residence Standards Appeal Officer.
Standards Points
Residents found in violation of Residence Standards may be warned or assigned one or more standards points by the Residence Life Manager. Standards points can accumulate and remain on record for 12 months from the date of the incident.
Three standards points = probation
Four or more standards points = resident contract may be terminated, resident may be evicted and denied future visiting privilegesÂ
Standards Appeals
Residents whose actions are found to be in violation of Residence Standards and who are sanctioned by the Residence Life Manager may file an appeal. Submitting an appeal will not temporarily halt or delay a scheduled contract termination date (if applicable). The appeal must fully explain the resident’s qualifying criteria and reasons for an appeal.
- Appeal must be filed within 72 hours of receiving the decision.
- Appeal must be submitted in writing to the Residence Standards Appeal Officer.
- Disagreement with the decision is not basis for appeal.
- Appeal must meet at least one of the following criteria:
- The appellant can provide a compelling reason why evidence crucial to the case was not available to be introduced during the original investigation.
- Some aspect of the administration of the investigation prevented the appellant from presenting a fair and complete case.
- The appellant can demonstrate that some evidence was not given adequate consideration.
If an appeal is granted, the Residence Standards Appeal Officer will consider all submitted documentation. Before rending a final decision, there may be a meeting with the student (s) involved and the Residence Life Manager to further review the incident. After the review is complete, the Residence Standards Appeal Officer may advise the Residence Life Manager to modify, cancel, or uphold the decision regarding any or all persons involved in the incident. This decision is final.
Green College Appeal Process
St. John’s College Appeal Process
More Resources
Review the Residence Standards Guidebook
Consult your Residence Life Manager for more details or contact:
Residence Standards Appeal Officer
Student Housing and Community Services
2205 Lower Mall, building 6