Winter Session Residence Guide

Welcome to Winter Session residence

We are so excited that you are going to be living in residence! Make the most of your time by following this winter session residence guide to get set up.

This guide is for students living in the following residences from September to April:
Orchard Commons | Place Vanier | Totem Park | Fairview Crescent |
Ponderosa Commons (Cedar House) | Ritsumeikan-UBC House | Walter Gage 

Pre-arrival checklist

Here are some to-dos before moving into residence.

  • First things first—did you accept your offer? Residence offers are sent by email and you will want to make sure you accept your offer and pay your first instalment of residence fees and meal plan fees (if applicable) by the deadline. 
  • Are you a first year student? Register for Jump Start! Jump Start gives you the opportunity to get to know campus and meet new friends before classes start.

UBC Residence Life email archive

Students moving into first year residence receive weekly emails from July to September. Looking for one of our older new to residence emails? No problem! Have a read through the archive below.

Getting to know your residence

Living in residence is a unique experience. You may be excited and even nervous at the same time—but don’t worry, we are here to help support you as you settle in.

Virtual tours

Take a virtual tour of our first-year residences.

Orchard CommonsPlace VanierTotem Park

Resources for parents, guardians and families

Share these resources with your parents, guardians or supporting family members.

Other resources

UBC has a ton of additional resources available for students. Check out some of them below.