Graduate Colleges

Green College

Green College

Green College Motto: Ideas and Friendship.

Founded in 1993, Green College is home to 100 graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and visiting scholars who participate in college life along with non-resident members of the rich and diverse UBC community. Each year the college hosts more than 150 lectures, workshops, forums, classes and concerts, in keeping with its mandate to provide extra-curricular, interdisciplinary academic and cultural programming. Resident members are chosen on the basis of excellence, interdisciplinary interests and receptiveness, and their commitment to get involved in college life.

Green College provides superb residential and social facilities, which are integral to building a vibrant intellectual community. It is a place where communications are direct, open, trusting and reciprocal, and where differences of ideas, interests and identities are accommodated and celebrated.

Green College Resident Membership is required.

St. John’s College


St. John’s College  is UBC’s international graduate college. A magnet for international and multicultural exchange, St. John’s College offers an academic setting that encourages discussion, debate and cultural expression; all enlivened by the participation of resident graduate students who come from diverse cultural backgrounds.

In addition to providing on campus accommodation and dining facilities for 184 graduate and postdoctoral students, and visiting scholars, the college offers residents an eclectic mix of social activities and academic programming—from film screenings and forums to concerts, cultural workshops and charitable initiatives.

St. John’s College is the realization of a dream held by local and international chapters of the alumni associations of the former St. John’s University in Shanghai to revive the spirit of their alma mater and perpetuate the SJU motto: Light and Truth. That spirit underscores the values of honesty, generosity, justice and integrity in serving society.

Applicants must apply and receive SJC Membership. St. John’s College is located adjacent to Ponderosa Commons.